
- We are not registered as licensed financial planners, financial advisors, stock brokers, investment brokers, or investment advisors. Before making any trades, check with a financial planner or an investment advisor to make sure option trading is right for you. The information provided on this site should not be construed as individual investment advice. All information presented on this site is the opinion of the author only and is not a solicitation to buy, sell, or hold any investment or security of any kind. Steady Options does not trade any client accounts.
- We do not promise, guarantee, or imply verbally or in writing that anything taught through any printed material or displayed on the Website will necessarily result in a profit, nor can we protect you from losses. Past performance does not guarantee future results. You assume the entire cost and risk of any trading you choose to undertake. You are completely responsible for making any investment decisions.Option trading in particular can involve a higher degree of risk and frequently has a learning curve that might not be present in other investments.
- Use of this Web site in no way constitutes a client/advisor relationship, all information we communicate to you (the subscriber) either through our Web site or other forms of communications, are purely for informational purposes only. Ed. Futures Collaboration will in no way have discretionary authority over your trading or investment accounts.
- We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this Website is correct. However, we do not guarantee the correctness or completeness of material on this Website.
- Due to the nature of the electronic nature of the Internet, the Ed. Futures Collaboration Web site, or its e-mail distribution services could fail at any given time. Ed. Futures Collaboration will not be responsible for unavailability of use of its Web site, nor undelivered e-mails due to bandwidth problems, equipment failures, or acts of God. Steady Options does not warrant that the transmission of e-mails will be uninterrupted or error-free.
- Ed. Futures Collaboration, its owners, or its representatives may hold positions in the securities mentioned on this Web site at any time. However, in no way is Ed. Futures Collaboration soliciting an offer to purchase or sell securities mentioned at this Web site. Ed. Futures Collaboration owners do trade their own account and will make public all of the trades, as executed. This may or may not have an effect on the pricing of the position entered.
- Each member of Ed. Futures Collaboration should independently evaluate the effect on pricing that posted trade announcements may or may not have. Each member of Ed. Futures Collaboration must make their own decision on when to enter and/or exit a trade, if trades are made at all. SteadyOption’s owners and other members may end up getting better fill prices, or worse fill prices, than you are able to obtain due to market conditions and change in option prices
- Performance figures are based on real fills in our actual accounts, not hypothetical performance. Due to the time-critical nature of stock and options trading, brokerage fees, and the activity of other subscribers, Ed. Futures Collaboration cannot guarantee that subscribers will experience the same or similar performance results as stated on our track records or promotions. Performance figures do not reflect the deduction fees, brokerage or other commissions, and any other expenses that a client would have paid or actually paid. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance.